Touch up the powder room

Would it be a stretch to assume that your bathroom is primarily shades of porcelain white? Most of them are. We’ve never understood the desire to leave things so basic. Wherever there’s an opportunity for unique creativity, we’ll be there to take it. Here are a few examples of how the smallest changes in colour can work wonders.

Image Source: rebeccajuddloves

Blush and greys

Grey must never be underestimated. Sleek, tasteful and subtle, it’s capable of so much. Paired with beautiful peach tones, it creates a warm and modern look. Absolutely perfect.

Image Source: GAP Interiors

Seeing green

Even the subtlest hints of green can create a powerful look. You could give your walls a light green coat, but even a simple change to the décor, like the bathtub or the sink, would work. We’ve also found pairing softer greens with greys, blacks and neutrals to be a gorgeous palette.

Image Source: sfgirlbybay

A mix of tones

Why not have fun with contrasting and complementary colours? All that mixing and matching — it’s like going back to art class. One way to do it is by contrasting soft pastel paints with your metallic features, like taps, mirrors and pendants.


A little imagination can work wonders on any space. Here, see just how much is possible.